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Gong Meditation

Inherited from the Kundalini Yoga tradition, Gong White Sound Meditation is an inner journey that goes far beyond a relaxation or sound bath. It carries you to a realm of no-mind, a sensation of limit-less being whole; a space where transformative healing occurs. After preparing the mind and the body with an adequate yoga practice, you only need to lay down, surrender, enjoy the overwhelming overtones, and just be.

The art of the Gong

I consider myself extremely lucky to have found my Gong teacher. A person who ressembles all of the top qualities : kindness, simplicity, humility, authenticity, balance and knowledge. I feel guided and protected, as I was taught the art of the Gong and given the permission to offer it for the greater good. It is a big responsibility to hold the space for people that undergo such transformative processes. I am honoured and I am in Love when I play the Gong White Sound Meditation. May this help you in your path, wherever you are, and open the doors for the big step ahead. 


Monthly sessions in Shanti Club, Geneva.

Check the agenda for the next event.

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